Friday, August 12, 2005

Ok, ok, I've converted to LJ. Check it out at, though for the sake of those not using it I duplicate the post I made here, for the most part:

Greetings from Roscoff, France, home of the Station Biologique and my current post. I've actually been here working for the past 4 days, but lack of computer access has prevented me from saying much. My week of toodling around was very cool. Jeremy, my coworker Laura, her mom, and I hit a lot of the major sights in Paris before Jer and I went to Normandy and then Brittany for a couple of days. We saw quite a lot before meeting back up here in Roscoff, enough that I'm glad this is a quiet little coastal town. I'll have plenty of pics and such to share once I get my feet back under me at home again, so don't worry that this is brief.

For the most part I'm doing pretty well for having been in a foreign country for 2 weeks. Yesterday and today, though, the homesickness is starting to hit kinda hard, I think brought on by a broken computer and a protocol that has long periods of time where you just sit there waiting for reactions to finish. Laura and I are doing our best, but we're starting to run out of things to do in a small little European fishing town, even though I am very grateful to be here and its a perfect site for doing our research with the variety of marine life barely 100 yards away.

I'll write more as I get the chance. Right now, with all the special classes they're holding this summer computers are in high demand. TTYL, gang!

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