Wednesday, April 6, 2005

To borrow from a girlfriend, WOOOOT!

So yeah, the summary of what's up with me is survived Hell Month, went to Hawaii, visited the fam in So. Cal., came back, welcomed my new co-worker from Japan, left for Karin's wedding, worked hard and had a blast, came home late Monday night, slept a lot yesterday, and today, the world can have at me again. I'm a bit worried about going into work after being out so long, I think I have this feeling like it's gonna eat me, but the lesson I'm determined to master this month is the discipline of controlling one's schedule! I honestly think I'm responsible for more craziness in my life than I care to admit, and a little more effort and thinking up front probably would do me a world of good, as well as prevent Hell Month II: The Return of Hell Month from playing in theaters everywhere.

So yeah, peeps! Happy April, Happy Spring and Daylight Savings, and I'll seeya around!

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