Tuesday, March 1, 2005

So...a little story...

Ladies and gents, the joke is definately on me this year. Work is still nuts, studies are still nuts, but the kicker so far happend this past weekend, when a friend of mine asked me out. Yup, all of a sudden I have a boyfriend! *laugh* How's that for a surprise?

Most of you probably know him already, his name is Jeremy Bossard and he's a friend of a friend's fiancee. We met rather randomly and only started talking because I threw a surprise bridal shower for Karin last November that required some extra help from Dan and his best man. After that everyone in the bridal party has been making friends with each other as April approaches, even visiting each other outside of our required duties. And I have to say that even though I wasn't thinking about this, Dan and Karin and Jessie and Adrian were all trying very hard to set Jer and I up as soon as we all started working together on the wedding. (Naughty friends! Karin and Dan were planning to make us stand across from each other in the wedding, so we would have to dance together at the reception. Talk about evil! How awkward would that of been!? Married/engaged people can be such a pain sometimes.)

*g* Too bad for them we were one step ahead of them and just didn't know it until recently. And in fact both of us were purposely NOT going to doing anything about it until a couple months from now...except that this weekend when I went up to visit Jer at State College and help him write his next journal article we both found out that we were each trying to give the other some space without really there being a need to. *g* God's real funny like that, I think He's been laughing at us for a while now. Something like this was DEFINITELY not in my plans for the year!

So there you are, my bit of excitement for the week. Unfortunately I predict that I won't have anything else fun to say for a bit, as my March is going to be hellish to say the least. Too much work!!!!!! *sigh* I'm sooooo going to be taking it slower in April, I'll need to just to recuperate. Maybe I can get around to seeing you all then. Ah well. Hope everything is going well for you guys, hang in there and I'll write again soon!

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