Wednesday, August 4, 2004

I'm so going off of other people's pages right now, but since Laura-kid and Danny have both done it, why not? Gives them something to read. Now that I think of it, weren't we always doing this our Freshman year?

The Survey (For What, I Don't Know)

What is your name? Amy
*What is your quest?* Oh wait...
Spell your name backwards: ymA (just missing the "c"!)
Date of birth: June 25, 1980 (go Regan!!)
Male or female? Female, definately
Astrological sign: Cancer, which is why I don't tell anyone (think about it, biology...yeah...)
Nicknames: Um...Am? Ames? Pikachu? My stepmom calls me "Amy Jo Martha Marie" here and there.
Height: 5' 3"
Hair color: Brownish
Eye color: Hazel
Glasses or contact lenses? Definately glasses, bifocals with a yellow tint
Where were you born? Hollywood, CA
Age: 24
Freckles? Tons!
E-mail address:
What does your IM stand for? My college major and my current location
Pets: None that are mine
Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake? All but one, I think I spit on that one.
Feeling: Like I don't want to do work right now
Eating/drinking: Did you have to mention food?!!
T-Shirts/tank? I can't find any tanks I like, so t-shirts it is!!
Jeans/nice pants: cargo pants!!
Belt/no belt: No belt, just belt loops
Have you ever worn a neon colored outfit? Why yes, actually.
How many times a month do you wear your favorite shirt/pants? I...don't really pay attention, actually.
Do you "match" your clothing every morning? Yup.
Do you care about what you wear? Somewhat, I don't want to look like a total slob.
Have you ever been made to wear something embarrassing? Depends on how you define that. Pink & frilly? Oh yes! Lingerie? ...Um, no.
Have you ever dressed up? That's a rather dumb question. I did have to get a job, you know.
Have you ever been in love? Define that, please. I've had crushes and relationships that didn't go anywhere, but what I would call love, nope, not yet.
How many people have you kissed? Besides family? One.
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Uh, I've kissed my mum and my grandma...does that count?
What do you look for in a guy/girl? A commitment to growth and to the Lord...bunch of other stuff but that's complicated.
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? the smile and the laugh
What type of guy/girl do you usually go for? The ones I have gone for before were all smart enough to challenge me, strong-willed, and rather needy. Not real good, actually.
Do you have a bf/gf? Nope!
Do you have a crush right now? Nope again, just heroes.
Do you believe in love at first sight? It can happen. Don't know if I like it though.
Do you remember your first love? Yup! He was also my first best friend, too.
All time favorite band: Switchfoot, baby!!
What was your favorite style of music in elementary school? Classical, it was all I was really allowed to listen to.
Do you like rap? The good stuff.
Bluegrass? Oh sure.
Country? For about 15 minutes.
Classical? Mostly Baroque stuff
Rock? A bit
Pop? It all depends on the lyrics, but I think more pop than anything else.
Do you prefer fast or slow songs? Fast with a strong beat, probably because I feel like I "dance" thru most of my life anyways.
Guitars or Harmonicas? Guitars accompanied by harmonica!!
Do you play an instrument? Sure!
What one? Flute and Guitar, a tiny bit of Piano, and Percussion, and I sing.
What's the best cd you own? Um...yikes...Kingdom Hearts OST maybe?
What song is stuck in your head right now? You know what, for once, nothing is.
What song reminds you of that special someone? That assumes something, you know.
What (if any) song makes you cry? Letters from War, and a couple by Carolyn Arends I don't remember the titles of
How many singers/bands do you like? Too many for my budget!
Do you like your name? Oh yeah!
What would you name your daughter? I don't know yet, since it's my blessing and prayer for them it'll kinda depend on what's going on when she comes, I think.
What would you name your son? See above.
Favorite names: Mmmm, can't decide!
Have you ever spelled your name backward and call yourself that? Nuh-uh, besides, it sounds so close to my real name (especially if you have an accent) that it doesn't matter
Have you ever thought of weird random names you'd like to have? Jimmy!! But that's not random.
Is your name a boy and girl name? Girls, don't think there's a boy variation yet.
How do you spell your name? Think about it...
Word: yo, dude, word yourself!
Color: blue, green, or purple
Song: For right now? Jesus Is Life, by Steven Curtis Chapman
School subject: molecular biology and related subjects (they're all the same now anyways)
Animal: um...I dunno
Celebrity: Elijah Wood, 'cause he's my brother's age
Magazine: GMC, GameInformer, NewType USA, & National Geographic
Snack: cookies!!
Movie: Independance Day!!
Pair of shoes: Reeboks, can't really wear a whole lot else.
Article of Clothing: I've migrated to cargos, I think.
Food: Mexican!! Arriba!!
Jellybean Flavor: ...don't like jellybeans...
Drink: Water's a personal favorite, though if I did drink soda I'd drink Dr. Pepper or rootbeer
Alcoholic drink: Stomach doesn't like those too much
TV show: Right now? TMNT, new school!!
Sport to watch: Baseball (in person) or football (on TV)'s alright, but they've got those horrid fluorescent lights
Person to talk to online: Mostly Pete or Paul, sometimes Adrian
What color are your sheets? the color of the clean set
Do you have a TV in your bedroom? Yup, an itty-bitty 13"
Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep? Sometimes, mostly nature sounds/meditation stuff.
Describe the last dream you had: I think I saved the
How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed? 1 and 2 cats
What's under your bed? posters
What books or magazines are near your bed? Um, "A Beginners Guide To Networks", I think.
Did you have a cartoon hero as a kid? I had a lot, and I still do! *grin*
What is your favorite cartoon? Scooby-Doo!!

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