Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Let the fight for balance begin!! Ha!

Well in the usual predictable fashion, the week before I take a vacation is shaping up to be totally out of proportion as far as stuff to get done goes. Masato's wife has given birth to their second child, catching him totally off-guard (even though all of us were warning him that yes, if the baby has already dropped there's no way she's going to wait until the 18th to be born!) and the rest of us scrambling to catch his work load. As a result I did get to meet a new friend and colleague by the name of Joanna who is just starting out on an Astyanax research project for her masters, but it made yesterday very interesting. Today looks to be no exception. Even if I weren't trying to leave for a week, I'd be up to my ears in stuff marked "to be done ASAP!!!!" And the fish system sprang a leak yesterday, and its a breeding week, and this and that and you get the idea.

I'm actually surprised that I'm not spazzing out yet. This could be due to the frappicinos I've been consuming everyday (a method I don't resort to unless things are dire), or to some measure of grace I wasn't expecting. I plan to make use of it whichever it is. I certainly need all the help I can get. Come Friday I'm fully looking forward to sleeping through my weekend and watching mass quantities of Murder She Wrote. Nothing like a little murder mystery to take your mind of things. ^_~

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