Thursday, October 13, 2005

This is going to be a real quick entry because I'm in the middle of an experiment, but:

For those of you who have been wondering why I've been swearing on IM a lot lately, work has overreached the limit of what I can handle. For the past month I've been trying to rebuilt the filtration unit of our fish system with only my common sense and stubborness to guide me. Why? Because I'm the best we've got. Because there's no one in this state who can help me with it and because the people I could ask for advice/supervision have been blowing me off. Add in all the prep work required for 2 annual inspections, the research work for Bill, the work with the fish to improve breeding behavior, the work on the computer systems (again mostly conducted via common sense and research when I don't know something because I'm the best we've got), the classwork I haven't done for the past month and a half, and the fact that because we haven't been able to make fresh water for 3 weeks our fish are on the brink of getting ill...well, its no wonder I'm swearing. I'm stuck, you see. In just about all of these areas, the best I can offer just isn't cutting it. Oh, did I mention that grad school deadlines are kareening towards me at a violent pace? *sigh*

I guess if Satan can't make me give up on being faithful, he's gonna try to break me so I can't do if I wanted to. Determination means crap if you don't have the mechanics to do it, after all.

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