Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Greetings to all who've been wondering if I've fallen off the face of the planet!

So a summary of what's up with me, or has been up with me, whatever:

1) My tint is absolutely shot. And has been inaccurate for quite a while, causing me to get more and more ill as the months have past. I tire out much more faster than usual now, and I can't do very much writing or reading without paying for it. This is probably the main reason why I've not written anything for a while...I just don't want to look at a computer very much right now. The good news is that my new set of glasses should be arriving this week or early next week, and when they do I'll be feeling oh so much better.

2) Work is a lovely mishmash of too much to do and lessons in consistancy. I think that last one may end up being the theme lesson for the year. I've had some pretty honest but encouraging talks with my boss recently, and I'm really starting to feel that the Lord won't let me move onto the extra responsiblilites of grad school until I've learned how to be consistant and successful with the responsiblilties He's given me already. So I'm still thinking graduate school, but not anytime in the near near future. I've got some other things to do first. (There you go, Ken. What you're thinking/feeling isn't anything odd, cause the rest of us go thru it/are going thru it too! Just hang in there bud!)

3) The research I'm supposed to be doing at the moment might get put into a paper before the end of the year, if I can get my butt into gear working on it. That would be really awesome, and go a long ways towards making me feel like I'm actually making progress and contributing around here. Taking care of the business side of things is great, but its research and new intellectual properties that get us money around here and ensure that I stay employed.

4) I have reached the grand old age of 25! For my birthday, I attended someone else's party with my friends (which was uber-awesome btw Laura, Happy 21st! ), went to see Howl's Moving Castle in theaters (also uber-awesome!!!), took a nap in the middle of my supposed party and further corrupted more people with video games. (*evil grin* All of you WILL come over to the Dark Side, given enough time in my presence.) I did enjoy it all, though I wish I hadn't been so tired for most of the weekend.

5) My friends are very interesting people. Take Jessie for example, who's surviving Adrian's absence by turning into a Garage-Saleing Queen. Or Jonathan, who's first words at my "party" were, "Hi! This is my girlfriend Jessica!" *laugh* I'm pretty happy about that one, in case anyone's wondering. And she seems to be a sweet girl, I hope we get the chance to hang out more. Then there's Karin and her hidden talent to bargain shop for manga by enlisting her friends, Dan's hidden talent to totally whale on old-school Zelda games, Matt's nifty talent to remember his friends on their important days (thanks for the card, dude! And for calling Jessie on her anniversary, that really perked her up.), and Jeremy's talent for causing small amounts of havoc just by being himself. Danny totally cracked me up on Sunday when he came over and told me that at 11:55 pm on June 25, when it hit him that he only had 5 minutes left before legal adulthood, he decided to exercise his childishness one last time by screaming at the top of his lungs and trying to pants someone. (Unfortunately the target had a belt on, so it didn't work.) You people are a big reason why I love life so much!

6) There are some things that I'm having a rougher time with, but since the answer to all of them is just more time and faithful obedience, I'll mention them quick. My mum's having trouble with her medical insurance and obtaining her meds right now, so I'm having to learn how to talk slower for shorter periods of time about less things. Its rough because I've always leaned on her for support, but right now she doesn't have the strength for that because she's pretty ill. I'm having to learn to lean on others more at the moment without completely shutting her out of the stuff I'm going thru because I don't want to overburden her. Not an easy thing to do. Moving out of the Linehan's house is not very feasible at the moment either, due to France and an increased in my student loan bill. Ergo I am rather confused about what God is up to, because He's brought me to the point where I desire to live on my own, but don't have the means to do so. My high schoolers have made me both very sad and very proud of them this month. I'm praying that all the events we've been thru will deepen the maturity of all of them, because I really can't wait to share the richness life has to offer with them. Unfortunately, you have to be strong enough to handle that richness, which means growing up.

7) So, France. I'm leaving July 28 and will be back on August 21. I'll have until August 7 to putz around, and then it will be all day every day with no weekends in a 8x12 room with 2, possibly 3 other people cranking out immunohistochemistry experiments as fast as possible. The things I'm the most nervous about have to do with the mechanics of travel in a foreign country, which won't go away until I experience that sort of thing myself. Perks include actually working with my boss, good food, a groovy location on the coast, and no beurocratic paperwork on my desk to deal with. The non-perks include actually working with my boss, a very good possibilty of no contact with other believers in a very spiritually oppressed country, and the fact that I don't speak French. Oh, and also that our newest employee from Japan will be arriving in the US on August 22, so I may have to be in to work that day. Blech.

8) Currently lessons with Jeremy include working on fitting the mechanics of our relationship into the lives God has currently given us (since both of us think that's where our main energies should be going), how to encourage him to write the paper he's been working on ever since we started dating, how to express thoughts and feelings in words and various other ways, and how to develop levels of self-control (goes along with fitting things into our current lives.) Geez, dating someone is hard work.

So there you have it. My "summary" that really isn't a summary but hey, I've been busy. For the calendar, the month of July looks like:

July 2 - 4 Working
July 4 - 8 Breeding week
July 7 - 12 Hosting the "MyFam" reunion ~ Dan and Jer's friends from Cedarville are invading (I might work a few hours during this time b/c its a breeding week)
July 16 - 18 Weekend up at Jer's
July 23 - 24 Might be working, preparing for France
July 28 Leave for France
August 7 Work starts at Roscoff
August 21 Home from France

I'm thinking a vacation sometime this fall sounds real good.

Later, peeps!! ~A

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