Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Wow, I have an audience...

So I would like to apologise to those of you who like to use Xanga-type pages to keep track of what your friends are up to. I most definately haven't been the most prolific of writers recently, and I can't promise that I'll change anytime soon. But, since a lot of you know I've been working crazy hours and I haven't given any explination for my silence, maybe I'd better fix that...ya?

OK, so first reason I haven't been writing is I have this crazy idea that I would like to build a really nice blog with archives, a search engine, space for pics, and all with my own graphics and stuff. Problem: Amy's expertise vs what she's got in her head, these things are not equal. PHP and SQL and servers and whatall, sooooo not getting it. So I've been sitting at a nice roadblock, unwilling to settle for less until I get enough knowledge under my belt that I can do something about it. *laugh* Ah me, there's just too much to do in life!

Reason #2 for not writing: mass chaos with my kids. In the past few months there's been 2 attempted suicides, 2 others contemplated, 1 nasty situation (sorry, details not forthcoming), 1 new study group formed, and lots and lots of encouragement needed, given, and recieved to/from all of them! What spare time I've had has gone into them...and I don't regret it for a minute, even with all the exercise my heart and mind are getting. You guys are worth it!

Third reason is my boss arrives home from France on Wednesday, and we're having lab presentations on Friday and Monday. So not only do all the chores I was assigned need to be finished, but also I have to have some data of some sort to present. Ergo I have been working late for the past couple of weeks trying to find enough time in a day to accomplish all that, and while I can state today that its finally paying off some, I am rather tired. Doing fine, but tired.

And finally, reason #4 for not writing is...its Christmas season, people!! Nobody's got a lot of time at the moment!! ~_^ So there you have it, a short summary of what's up. Other than that, I've become addicted to the new Harvest Moon game (never thought I'd be in for a farming sim!), the latest Kingdom Hearts game is very groovy, and hooray for random holiday gatherings that turn into major parties with friends!

And I have officially died for the night. Later, all!

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